Money Mindset, Goals and Knowing your Why

Happy Monday!

We recently had an internal team call with a financial coach who talked about our financial goals, budgeting and mainly our WHY behind it all.

Our relationship with money is interesting because so much of our upbringing can affect it, how we view money (good vs bad), the tools we have, our goals/whys behind it and who we surround ourselves with.

I think it's a balance and the below tips will help move you in the RIGHT direction. To me, having a healthy relationship with money does NOT mean being greedy, focusing on material things, using "things" as a status symbol and believing you're "better" than others based on income. It's quite the OPPOSITE. When we have healthy money mindset, we can do more good and bring more impact.

Here are some ways you can dive into money mindset in a healthy way:

1. Know your WHY.
This also can mean knowing your VALUES. For me, I could care less about having the latest car or designer bags or anything material. I want to save money to adopt and to have a more stress-free life aka better quality of life and I want to be able to have more of an impact with TBB.

2. Get clear on your THOUGHTS around money aka mindset.
Did you grow up feeling like you never had enough? Maybe money was NEVER mentioned or you grew up thinking it was greedy and "bad." This is hard because it forces you to confront your limiting beliefs and triggers.
We never struggled but it always felt like we had a "lack" of. We filed bankruptcy when I was in high school and I don't recall any education around money.

3. If number two was difficult like it is for most, your next step is to REINVENT your financial self.
Picture the Future You who’s already on top of her finances. She's empowered and has a healthy relationship with money. Tactical things you can do are hire a financial advisor, start a budget to get clear on where you're at, talk with friends about things that work for them, listen to podcasts, use affirmations and read! You're essentially training your brain with this new view point of moving into a growth mindset vs scarcity.

What has worked for you? What are your thoughts on all of this? Email me and share!

XO— Rachel

Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


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