HER STORY ⟡ Sarah Price

Hey beautiful! 

My name is Sarah and it's wonderful to "meet" you! I'm a wife and stay at home Mom to my daughter (5.5) and son (1.5). We are about to enter the world of kindergarten here in a few months, so I'm feeling all the emotions right now! 

When I imagined my adult life as my younger self, I wanted to be a scientist and work in a lab. I also wanted to have a family, and I wanted to be able to stay home while my babies were little and teach them all their firsts!

As life would have it, I ended up on a different career path and when I was in need of some clean self care and pampering, Pampered Life came to be and so I also became a business owner too! 

Tell us about your business:

Pampered Life LLC was started in January 2019 with a bath bomb and a dream to bring clean and transparent self care to other women like me. As my dream grew, it turned into an amazing well-rounded brand featuring luxury natural skincare, personal care, and soon haircare! I make everything to order in small batches, bringing the freshness back to skincare that has been forgotten by big brands. 

How and why did you get started?

Although I didn't start selling until January 2019, Pampered really started as an idea back in 2016 when I was pregnant with my first baby. One of my pregnancy apps had an article about wearing nail polish during pregnancy and that a lot of polishes had ingredients that were hormone disruptors. I had never heard of a hormone disruptor so I started Googling. As I continued doing research, because I always had my nails painted, I started looking at the ingredients on my favorite bubble baths, shampoo and conditioner, makeup and everything I put onto my body. I quickly realized that what I was putting onto my skin and ultimately letting into my body was harmful, and very toxic. Once I knew what these ingredients were, I would never knowingly put them on my body. So I started searching for clean products, and found that many products still had ingredients that weren't good for my body, and or if they were they were way too expensive for a soon to be stay at home Mom. 

I didn't know anything about creating skincare, but I had thrown most of my products out, and since I had used my products as pampering and for relaxing, I was starting to become in need of a good pampering session. So I went on pinterest and found a recipe to make a bath bomb, and the rest is history. 

What do you love about owning a business?

I love being able to help others like me discover truly clean products. Pampered Life is what I wish I had when I was trying to find clean products for myself and my family. I love being able to give back, and pay it forward and bless others. I donate an item for every sale to beautiful organizations that help women get back on their feet, and I also donate to help feed hungry children by providing food at school to keep them healthy, fed and providing a place where they can learn and be kids. I also love the freedom it gives me to be creative, and to never miss a day with my babies. 

I dreamt of working in a lab, and I do! It's definitely a dream job, and it's such an honor to be able to create what I do! 

What inspires you to stay motivated?

My health, my family's health, and my customers' health inspires me to stay motivated. I research ingredients for months, and am always doing some kind of education. I have obtained diplomas in aromatherapy, and clean skincare formulation. I have completed and am waiting on my diploma for clean hair care formulation, and I have also received certification for skincare consultations. 

I plan to continue education for advanced serum formulation and also in natural makeup formulation as well. It's so important to me to share my education and to share my products so we all have access to clean products made with safe natural ingredients. I eventually want to publish all my formulations for other small businesses to use, or for the DIY person so we all have access to clean products. 

I want to educate myself and customers on why an ingredient is used and how to recognize conventional ingredients that can be dangerous for our health. 

I am in my 30s, and I know so many people in my generation that have severe allergies, and medical conditions that we should not have at this age. We shouldn't be riddled with such diseases. 

I believe that the ingredients we are putting onto our skin and eating in our food is contributing to these problems and by reducing our exposure to chemicals and toxins that surround us in our daily lives that we can make a change to our bodies and find health. 

I also don't think that it's fair for big companies to make green washed claims. I saw an ad for a "clean" mascara the other day and when I looked at the ingredients it had micro plastics, plastic, petroleum derived ingredients, a known carcinogen plus a few hormone disruptors in it. If I did not know what those ingredients were, I'd believe the company that it was a safer choice. 

It's every business's duty in the cosmetic world to formulate with safe ingredients and to be transparent. I shouldn't have to dig on a website or find a photo of an ingredient list to know what I'm putting on my body. I shouldn't have to Google and read scientific articles to find out the safety of those ingredients. Safety should be a given. 

Every ingredient I use is researched, safe, and is listed, and described on my site right in the description. No digging needed, no research needed. Just peace of mind. 

What should our community know?

I am really passionate about providing clean and transparent skincare. All of the products available from Pampered Life are what I and my family use for skin care, personal care and haircare. If I am not comfortable using an ingredient, it's not used in any way shape or form. 

I am all the hats in my business. I research, formulate, brand, photograph, copywrite, create, and everything in-between. 

Every item is made by hand, filled by hand, and labeled by hand. Small Batch and natural ingredients are not equivalent to big manufactured and mass produced products. My skincare is created for your skin not the shelves. 

When you trust my brand, and purchase from me, it makes my day, my week and my year. It's such an honor, and I truly appreciate every single order. I know there are thousands of products to choose from, and by choosing Pampered not only are you providing yourself with high quality products, but you are allowing me to fulfill my God given purpose here on this beautiful Earth. My customers are like family to me, and I'm always available to chat, answer questions, and if you have any allergies or special needs I can formulate a custom product just for you. 

You are invited! 

Every year I take a week in July to celebrate my customers, celebrate skincare and to pamper everyone even more! You are invited to join the fun on Instagram @pamperedlife_ on Facebook or my site livingpampered.com during July 11-15th! I'll be hosting my biggest giveaway yet as well, along with gifts with every purchase, and more! We will be walking through building our own skincare routines as well! See you there! 

Where our community can find you?

I am most active on Instagram so come say hi!

Instagram: @pamperedlife_

You can also find me here:

Facebook: https://facebook.com/pamperedlife.22 

Website: https//:livingpampered.com/

Email: pamperedtreasuresinfo@gmail.com 

Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


HER STORY ⟡ Christina Frey


Money Mindset, Goals and Knowing your Why