Want to join our Sunday Socials?


We have put this out there and you all seem to be a fan so we're doing it...introducing the SUNDAY SOCIALS!!!
Keep reading.....

WHO this is for: The Beauty Boost community of women (aka YOU) You are craving some motivation + inspiration in your weekly living. You're tired of feeling scattered, like the day takes over and you're simply going through the motions. You're looking to grow, gain confidence and feel more in charge of your life, alongside like-hearted women!

WHEN: We suggest Sunday evenings as the ultimate time to get together!

WHERE: In-person at someones house in your group OR zoom it! 

WHAT: Imagine getting together with a group of inspiring + motivating women just before the week begins. You all come together to set-up your week for success + fun. (in-person OR zoom)

TBB suggested template for your week to go over with your group: (bring your planners)!

  • Meal Prep (ensure your have groceries & plan your menu for the week!)

  • Plug in your workouts/movement

  • Slot in time for nothing! Ensure you have evenings with no plans.

  • Pick a book of the month and slot time to read

  • Groupshare and pick a podcast to listen to this week

  • Any favorite show/movie you want to ensure you watch this week!?

  • What do you want your morning + pm routine to look like? Don't go crazy. Keep it simple!

HOW: Groups will be put together and emailed to begin ON January 16th. Groups will be open to sign up on December 1st so stay tuned and think on if this is a good fit for you and if you want to commit:) Be sure to share this email with friends who could benefit, too!

XO, Rachel


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