What it Takes to Build a Life You Love

Happy Monday!!
Today we're featuring Amy Schultz, Founder of Bolder Money.
She's been a part of TBB for years and everything below is from her!

From Amy: 
This is the motivational, end-of-year, plan for a kick-ass 2023 message you need to remind you that YOU are who you’ve been waiting for. 


I talked to thousands of women this year about getting what they want out of life, and one theme came up over and over again: in our world, prioritizing wellness is brave - and is made possible with financial empowerment. 


I met with women who wanted to travel more, to spend more time with family, and to switch jobs or start businesses that align more with their personal values and mission. 


These badass women weren’t looking for permission, they were looking for possibilities. 


“How can I afford to travel as much as I want?” 

“How can I find a job that fits who I am, and the impact I want to make?” 

“How do I stop feeling so burnt out?” 


Each woman’s situation is different, and each solution is unique to her needs. At Bolder, we’ve helped enough women take steps towards whatever a “life of wellness” means to them to identify a pattern: if you feel safe and held on a clear path to success, you’ll get there faster. 


To do this, we guide our members to complete three critical steps early in our program, because they set the tone for the rest of the journey. 


So, here are 3 things I want each of you to do right now to prioritize building a better life: 


  1. Spend 10 minutes journaling about what you want your life to look like. How often do you want to travel? What does a dream job look like for you? Women who are super specific about what wellness + happiness looks like for them are more likely to get there, because outlining next steps is easier. 


  1. Make a list of the boundaries that support the life you want. No one is coming to make sure you leave at 5pm every day, or say no to projects that drain you, or avoid expenses that add to your stress level. You get to be your own best advocate for the life you want. 


  1. Align your money with the dream life you journaled about. It’s so easy to get distracted and unorganized with money when you want to live a beautiful, creative life, but the truth is that money is the number one resource you have to build the life you want. 


First, set up savings accounts for the big life goals you want to accomplish. Our coaches love to see funds called “Travel to Spain, “3 Month Yoga Retreat,” or “Impact Biz Fund.” 


Next, reflect on where your money goes. How can you find more to put into those funds? How can you realign spending that doesn’t get you more of what you want? Go back to your boundaries, and remember your role as your own best life advocate! 


At Bolder Money, we’ve helped hundreds of women take steps towards their dreams. Our mission isn’t just to see net worth grow and create financially confident clients, it’s about helping our clients achieve their life goals as a result of financial empowerment. 


Can you imagine a world where we make choices based on what we want to do, instead of what we have to do? We can. And we believe it starts with you seeing the possibilities for your own life.


Sign up with one of our coaches to make financial empowerment part of your wellness journey, and make a plan to build the life you want. Our coaches are compassionate, and help you through any avoidance or anxiety you may feel about money. AND, as a Beauty Boost gal, you’ll receive $49 off our coaching package. 

Bonus: Get 1 month free off our 3-month membership with code BOLDERBOOST: https://www.boldermoney.com/how-it-works 



HER STORY ⟡ Mailette Lopez


HER STORY ⟡ Emily Burnett