Today we are meeting CJ VanLit, clean beauty advocate!


How did you get started?

3 years ago, my daughter, my first child, was about 4 months old.

I had decided I didn’t want to go back to a 9-5, the thought of bringing her to daycare made me sick. So, I started looking for something I could do during naptime, early mornings etc. I had already started cleaning up my lifestyle prior to getting pregnant and was absolutely appalled by the lack of regulations in the beauty industry. This baby was crawling around my apartment, who gets her hands in everything, licks my face, and knowing that these products were filled with hormone-disrupting chemicals made me so mad!

I found Beautycounter, a company that not only formulated and sold amazing, high-quality, SAFER, products but a company that was also fighting for better legislation. When I realized you could become a clean beauty advocate and make it a business, I was sold!


What do you love about owning a small business?

I love the freedom it provides. Not only in my time and schedule but also creatively. I have learned so much in the past 3 years from graphic design, copywriting, marketing, and leading a team. The amount of growth this business has provided me is unreal.


What's your why?

A safer future for everyone, that may sound dramatic, but health issues are on the rise and the number of diseases we can link directly to our exposure to environmental toxins are increasing as well. We are ALL affected by this, we all wash our face, put lotion on, and deodorant. It’s a simple but impactful change and it is what helps me show up every day. It’s a privilege to be able to afford safer products and it shouldn’t be.


What tips would you give a working mother with young children?

Ask for help and don’t be afraid to drop the ball. It doesn’t have to be perfect, someone else can pick up the groceries, and dinner doesn’t have to be something fancy every night. In the beginning, it will require some sacrifices but set boundaries early on, when I’m with mykids, I am present, and when I am working, I am present. Don’t try to half-- it.


How can The Beauty Boost support your business?

I’m so honored to be a part of this community, being able to share our mission and our movement has been incredible. The conversations I have through TBB are so important. I’d love to continue to educate and empower TBB community.


What have you enjoyed about being a part of The Beauty Boost Nashville?

I started my business a few months before covid started and have built it mostly in the safety of my own living room. When I found the Beauty Boost and reached out to Michelle, I was so excited to get back out in the world! Meeting new people, and having them touch and try out the products has been so much fun! Nothing beats in-person connection.


How do we connect with you?

I live on Instagram, my username is @tulipsandturnips (Why that’s my handle is a story for another time)

I also have a blog www.tulipsandturnips.com


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