HER STORY ⟡ Cori Stuart

Today we are meeting Cori Stuart, Holistic Healer!


How I started:

I started my business after experiencing the benefits of mindset and energy work in my own life. Using a more holistic approach; including intellectual, energetic, and physical techniques, I was able to feel more connected with myself (to learn what I refer to as my soul song) and reduce my anxiety, while developing and encouraging my own dreams and desires. My dream is to mentor and assist others to feel less overwhelmed and anxious using the tools I've accrued over the years (and continue to learn). 


What I love about being a business owner:

What I love about being a business owner is the freedom to come from an empowered state to assist others in following their dreams and finding their soul songs. It also creates the flexibility to assist like-minded souls while also having time to practice what I preach and have time for my own self-care routines, relationships, and adventures. 


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products/ services?

The impact I hope to have on those I meet or who work with me or use my products is that they feel more empowered and balanced to go into the variety of situations life serves up. We cannot shift the situations, but we can shift our response. There are many tools which we can use to holistically improve our lives and I want others to feel they have sovereignty to do so. 


Who or what inspires you?

I am inspired by individuals who embody their truth, especially women. Thankfully there are many for reference such as Gabby Bernstien, Sara Blakely, Marie Forlio, Caroline Myss, Louise Hay, Brene Brown and Sonia Choquette. I am also inspired by nature and its perpetual beauty - there are so many incredible, natural healing elements such as crystals, oils, and especially forces of mother nature such as earth, fire, space, water, wind and sound. 


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

My favorite piece of advice is to remember that it is actually a sign of strength to ask for help. It may be your road, but you don't have to go alone.


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Beauty means being able to be in the present moment and appreciate the opportunities through and around us. 


What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?

The advice I would give to myself; trust your gut instincts and trust the people around you. When you are vulnerable, honest and take intentional action with love, the right souls will move into place to assist your growth forward.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know? 

I would love for you to know that I am passionate about assisting individuals embrace how incredible they are in all aspects of life. As a historian, I believe in learning from our past for a better and balanced future. Over the years I have learned how important it is to have the right souls around us to assist our moving forward, especially in having a mentor or coach, as well as the importance of community and having the right connections surrounding us. I am passionate about expanding soulful community, spending time with friends and family, especially my boyfriend and my two dogs. I am a firm believer against testing on dogs and rescuing vs breeding, and frequently make donations to different local and national rescue groups and shelters.


Where can our community can find you? 

Cori will be leading a guided meditation and intention setting to kick off our Beautiful You Day Retreat on Aug 10 at Lake Norman State Park.. RSVP to the Day Retreat HERE


Check out Cori’s website:



HER STORY ⟡ Amber Preston


HER STORY ⟡ Mariah of She's.Soul.Serious.