HER STORY ⟡ Deana Cook

Today we are meeting Deana Cook, author of The Adventures of Bella and Ruby!


What inspired you to write the book? 

My book is actually a true story based on our 2 adorable French Bulldogs, Bella & Ruby.  Bella is a social butterfly, she is very intuitive with other dogs and makes friends with everyone. Ruby, on the other hand, has always been uncomfortable around other dogs and had been acting out and was aggressive toward other dogs. We consulted with a dog behavior specialist and we were told that she was acting this way because she has anxiety. That got me wondering how many children who "act out" and get labeled "trouble" or "bad" are actually suffering from anxiety? Most young children don't have the language to express a complex emotion like anxiety. My hope with this book is to spark conversations about anxiety/feelings/mental health between young ones and their caregivers. I advocate for normalizing discussions about mental health and I firmly believe that starting these discussions as young as possible is the first step! 


What is the primary message of your book? 

The primary message of my book is that it's ok to be and feel different than others, even your own family. And that talking about your feelings is important.  


Although it's written for children, how can this message help adults? 

It's often difficult or awkward to start a conversation about mental health and feelings. Although the topic is serious, this is a fun and easy to read story and the illustrations are beautiful. I hope that adults will use it as a tool to start conversations. Even if they don't have a child that has anxiety I am certain that they or their child knows someone who does. This story also demonstrates empathy for someone who is having a difficult time. 


Who or what inspires you? 

My family and friends inspire me every day. So much of this book and the process of getting it to where it is now, is due to conversations I have had with the people in my life. They have given me ideas I may not have thought of, connected me with people that were an integral part of the process and they have also been the greatest cheerleaders! 


What advice would you give to a mom with a child who suffers from anxiety or to a woman who may also face this challenge?

The first step is conversation. Talk to the child about what makes them feel anxious. I would also reassure the child that this is a normal feeling that everyone experiences and that there are ways to manage these feelings. Consult with your pediatrician, but often teaching healthy coping mechanisms such as meditation, breathing exercises and talking about feelings is all that is needed. In severe cases medication and professional counseling may be appropriate. 


How can we partner with you? 

I’ve connected with many incredible women at the events I’ve attended, and I believe that providing space where women can make connections and have conversations is what makes this community so special. Please connect with me through our website [https://adventuresofbellaandruby.com] and follow us on instagram @bellalovesruby to see all the fun the pups are up to! 


Are you offering any special discounts to The Beauty Boost Nashville membership? 

I am offering the Beauty Boost Nashville a buy 1 book get 1 book 1/2 off, that way you can share the importance of normalizing mental health discussions and promoting empathy toward those who feel different. Please email me at deana@adventuresofbellaandruby.com for this special offer!


HER STORY ⟡ Victoria Heimann


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