HER STORY ⟡ Emily Dennison

Today, we are meeting Emily Dennison of Avery Dental Wellness!


Tell us about you and your background!
I am a dentist! I graduated from dental school at The Ohio State University in 2013. From there, I made the journey to Chicago to begin practicing dentistry with a focus on esthetics. My heart missed Ohio, so in 2016 I moved back and bought my first dental practice in Circleville, OH. I learned SO much at this location. Then in 2023 I started Avery Dental Wellness– a passion project turned into a new business.

I have a husband, three little daughters, and two rescue puppies (although they’re 8 and 13 so we can hardly call them puppies). 

Tell us about your business & why you started it?
So full disclosure– I am a dentist who has a mouth full of fillings.  After my first year of college, I began getting a lot of cavities. It was frustrating and hard. But I have a very good understanding why patients may feel scared or nervous. 

After becoming a dentist, I realized the dental world did a lot to repair the damaged tooth, but didn’t dive into the root cause (no pun intended) of WHY patients get cavities. Dentistry needed to do better. I needed to do something different, or I wouldn’t last in this career.

I started Avery Dental Wellness to really help set my patients up for success long term. I wanted to be a tooth doctor, not a tooth mechanic. The focus of Avery Dental Wellness is to help work WITH my patients, not just ON my patients. I want to provide them with a nearly painless experience that keeps them coming back.


What do you love about being a business owner?
I love that I can influence my patients but also my team. I love that I can help provide them with a happy, healthy lifestyle. 

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who receive your services?
Let’s face it– most people don’t like the dentist. Especially if they’ve ever had to have fillings, crowns, etc. I want to change that. I want my patients to LOVE the dentist. When our patients enter our office, they say it feels like a spa, that it’s tranquil, and that they feel like they’re home. We have sparkling water, neck pillows, Oculus glasses, lavender neck wraps, Nearly no-pain injections, and weighted blankets. If I can curate an amazing experience for them, they’ll keep coming back. And if they keep coming back, I can help prevent disease. Win-Win for both! 

What advice would you give to yourself from 5 years ago? OR your past self just starting your business?
Be true to yourself and go for it. In the past, I kept with the conventional route of dentistry. I didn’t know any differently.  But now that I’m doing dentistry my way, I’m in LOVE.

What does BEAUTY mean to you?
To me, Being healthy is beautiful. And that can look like many different things for many different people.. A healthy smile is a beautiful smile. And a beautiful smile builds confidence. So if we can help people get healthy, we can help them love their smiles.

Who or what inspires you?
I’m inspired by my grandmother. She was a single mom of 4 kids and started a car dealership on very little money. She entered a male-dominated world all on her own and crushed it! Dental office ownership is still rather male-dominated, so owning a practice and being a woman feels awesome. 

What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?
Being a woman business owner can be tough (especially balancing family, work, friends) and there are many unrealistic expectations out there. But break through that glass ceiling and do it! If it doesn't scare you, it’s not worth it. 

Anything else you would like to share!
All TBB members receive a free Take-Home Whitening at their new patient appointment. Make sure to mention The Beauty Boost when scheduling!

Please follow us on @averydentalwellness

Call (614) 215-9889 to book your appointment or schedule on www.averydentalwellness.com


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