HER STORY ⟡ Juliana Gatto

Today, we are meeting Juliana Gatto, ZYIA Active Executive! 

Why I started:
After working over a decade in the boating industry, I spent most of my time working during times when other people were playing - 7 days a week, weekends and Holidays. While it was a fun career, when it came time to think about having a family, and being someone attached to their job wasn't the Mom I wanted to be.

I've always had an adventurous spirit, and am extremely passionate about health and wellness, so when the opportunity arose to partner with a company that believes in inspiring people to live a healthier lifestyle, AND I was able to work from home, I took the leap! 

Now I run an online activewear boutique, helping women find clothes that make them feel confident and motivated, and at the same time help other women open their own shops too!

What I love about being a business owner:
The freedoms - making my own schedule, using my creativity in my own way, being in the driver's seat of my own success and family's future. I also love that I get to help women discover themselves - their beauty, their confidence, their potential and their capability - by helping them start their own businesses.

What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?
I hope to inspire people to be more FIERCE in their life - to not take what life gives them laying down, but to fight for the life they desire and deserve. To take whatever circumstance, diagnosis, or situation life gives them, and find away a THRIVE despite it. To those who purchase my activewear, I hope to help them feel confident in their clothes, to become the best version of themselves, and shine like the beautiful women they are.

Who or what inspires you?
People who overcome adversity. I come from an immigrant family who were dealt many challenges and life setbacks and chose to push through them and find success. My husband and I both have lifelong health conditions that we choose not to use as excuses, but as reasons to live bigger and better. I'm continuously amazed and inspired by tenacity and perseverance.

What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?
My favorite quote is "What you tolerate, you give permission to exist". It doesn't sound very inspiring, but it means that whatever's happening in your life that you don't like, is there because you allow it to be. There's ALWAYS a way to improve and change your circumstance, your health, your future. You just have to have the drive to figure it out and make it happen. This quote continuously plays in my head whenever I'm frustrated and it inspires me into action.

What does BEAUTY mean to you?
To me, beauty means living out your dreams. People who are doing what they love, what they're passionate about, and exactly what they're meant to do are so beautiful to me.

What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?
Make the basics of what you do, duplicatable. Becoming a business owner means wearing many hats, and there comes a point where your growth exceeds your capacity and you can't do everything yourself. If you don't make it easy to delegate or share responsibility, it can be easy to become a worker again and not a business owner. The last thing an entrepreneurial spirit wants is to be a slave to their job. It ruins the dream, the inspiration, the creativity. There's only one you, and you need to be able to continuously evolve and grow.

What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?
Be FIERCE in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire. Never settle for what life gives you. And if you need a new favorite pair of leggings, I'm your best gal!!

You can find me @itsjulianagatto on Instagram or email me at itsjulianagatto@gmail.com.  Contact me directly for $10 off your order!


HER STORY ⟡ Emily Dennison


HER STORY ⟡ Christine Santori