HER STORY ⟡ Karlyn Green

Hey Beauty Queen!

I'm Karlyn Green, life and biz coach for fempreneurs. I help women live their purpose and create wealth doing it. 

Here’s the thing… I LOVE women.

I mean, I just think we are so dang amazing. Don’t you?

We do so much, are capable of so much, yet constantly underestimate what we can accomplish and create for ourselves.

This looks like burnout and underearning. 

This looks like staying in an unfulfilling job.

This looks like undercharging.

This looks like not going after your dreams.

Anyway, I got started on this journey when I realized that I looked like all of those things I listed above and I couldn’t stand it anymore.

I had a successful landscape design company for a decade, but I hated it.

I kept plodding forward in it because… well many reasons but mostly not wanting to let others down and not wanting to “give up” on something I had put so much time and effort into.

When I finally realized that I could no longer let myself down for the sake of not letting others down, things changed.

When I finally realized that I had to start making decisions from my own wild heart in order to create the life I wanted, one with time, autonomy, and wealth creation… well I decided to close up shop and start pouring my heart into my passion: WOMEN.

When I went all in on my new venture as a coach for fempreneurs I began building the business of my dreams. With it came its own unique challenges, but they were met with a new grit. A grit that is rooted in purpose.

From this purpose sprang something I am so proud of…

I created six figures in year one. 

I’ve helped women rediscover their purpose within their current business.

I have helped women redefine success for themselves.

I have helped women heal their relationships with time and money.

I have helped women create their own six figure businesses.

I have helped women navigate the rewriting of their next life chapter.

If you resonate with this, then maybe it’s time to move and shake things up with us.

Maybe it’s time you started living your purpose and creating wealth!

What I love about owning a small business:

I’m an entrepreneurship junkie. I LOVE all things business because it has the power to provide the kind of freedom, autonomy, and income I desire in my life. It also has the power to sink hearts and bank accounts without a well managed mind and some business strategy. That’s why I love combining life (mindset) and business coaching!

How I stay inspired:

I am inspired on the daily by the women I work with. By their courage and willingness to step into discomfort to create the inevitable growth that comes with it.

I am also deeply inspired by time with nature. It is essential to my brain and my being that I have ample time outside disconnected from work. This gives my brain space to be creative and problem solve without me forcing things.

Where to find me:

I work with women 1:1 so reach out!  And… (drum roll) my business partner and I are launching our BRAND NEW coaching program for fempreneurs. This is a chance to get weekly coaching + unlimited access to our new program The Simple Six - Six Simple Steps to Six Figures. Doors open in June (eek!), but we have some amazing ways for you to dive in now!

Here is a free gift from us to you to get you started! Download The Six Figure Playbook 

Or you can find in any of these spots:


Gypsy Soul // Wild Heart Collective

My Website

Bye for now Beauty Queen!


Karlyn Green

Coach for Fempreneurs

Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


Life Behind The Scenes In The Beauty Boost ◆ Entrepreneur Life


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