HER STORY ⟡ Libby Steele

Hey gal!


Today, we’re featuring an incredible gal. Meet Libby below + grab the complimentary perk of a free mini session HERE


Hello there! I’m Libby Steele and I’m a wearer of many hats! I’m a clinical mental health counselor, business owner, mother of 3, consumer of audiobooks and lifelong learner.


I moved to Columbus, Ohio 22 years ago for college and I’ve taken the long and winding path to land here in 2024 with a thriving private psychotherapy practice and a growing community of women, both professionally and personally.

That long and winding path involved a ten year break between my undergraduate degree in Psychology and my return to school to pursue a graduate degree and professional mental health licensure. During my time away from the world of psychology, I had a crash course in business, working in a business and human resources capacity in the fields of residential real estate development, technology and academia. Those years were instrumental in foundational knowledge and experience I have used in building my own business.


Why I started:

I was fortunate to join a group practice right out of graduate school, where I worked with talented and experienced clinicians. I knew I wanted to have the opportunity some day to build a practice of my own, doing excellent clinical work and training and supporting fellow clinicians.

In January of 2018, along with 4 other clinicians, we founded and opened the doors to Gestalt Columbus. Our business has evolved over the past 6 years, and together with my business partner and good friend from graduate school, Matt Dunatchik, we have built Gestalt Columbus into a thriving practice and training institution.


What I love about being a business owner:

Being a business owner is a constant education! I am constantly learning (sometimes the hard way), and growing as a clinician and a leader. I’m so proud every day of my team and the culture we’ve created within our practice.


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet and/or who purchase your products?

The work I do is rooted in Gestalt Therapy which focuses on awareness, freedom and self direction in the present moment. In the people I meet and the client’s we treat, I hope to create a space for people to be more curious about their own thoughts and feelings; more flexible in their thought process; and inspired to take action.


Who or what inspires you?

I find I am inspired by so many people and places. From books I read, those I treat, my husband and kids, there is an opportunity to learn everywhere. My constant source of inspiration are the women in my life. I am fortunate to be surrounded by talented, smart, hilarious and hard working women who are out there killing it!


What is your favorite piece of advice you've ever received or favorite quote?

I’ll butcher the quote, but years ago I listened to an interview with singer and songwriter Norah Jones. She was talking about balancing your personal life with your professional life and all the hats we as women wear. She said that we are all juggling a lot. Some of what we juggle is plastic, some is glass. There are times in life you have to let the plastic hit the floor to catch the glass. In moments of stress I’ve had to ask myself: is this glass or plastic?

More and more over the years, I’m learning that taking time for myself is glass.


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

I’d never want to diminish how truly good it feels to leave the house in an outfit you love, with a good hair day; but I don’t think anything makes you shine like being comfortable and confident in who you are. When you’re feeling good from the inside out you just carry yourself differently and beauty radiates from you.


What advice would you give your past self just starting your business?

My advice is, “Just Ask!” So much of what I’ve accomplished in life or been able to participate in is because I asked. Want to meet with someone to learn from them? Just ask. Want to dip your toe into a new world to network with? Ask. If you can ask politely and be willing to respect and accept no, you’ll be surprised how often the answer is yes.


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

I’m thrilled to be a part of this dynamic community of women. I, along with my team, look forward to meeting you, participating in events, and joining in on the fun. Years ago I had the privilege of attending several Beauty Boost events and I’ll be learning and growing along with all of you.


Where our community can find you?

On our website:


Or Instagram:



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