Tips n Tricks for Decluttering

Hey Gal! Happy Monday!


Tagging on to last week…today we're chatting on creating a peaceful home. 

“Peaceful” is a very subjective term. 

For me, one of my biggest stressors is STUFF! 


My goal was always to have enough of what I needed/wanted, but not too much. I would clean a drawer/cabinet/room and a month later it was cluttered again. The change came when I did the Marie Kondo method.


Marie Kondo Method Works like this:

Create categories of each of the below: 


2. books

3. papers

4. miscellaneous items

5. sentimental items

NEXT, Only keep things that “spark joy”. When you hold it, does it make you happy? Forget things like how much it cost.


TIPS: I picked a few hours each day to do each category. Initially it was time consuming going through everything, but the net result - in addition to owning a lot less stuff, has been a permanent shift, probably because of how I think/feel about what I own.


Appreciate the benefits of owning less stuff!

Appreciate how much easier cleaning an uncluttered house is. 

Appreciate the money saved and use it on experiences vs things.


HER STORY ⟡ Paige of Soiree Beauty


HER STORY ⟡ Libby Steele