HER STORY ⟡ Tiana Lee

Today we are meeting Tiana Lee of Woman of Worth!


Tell us about you!

I grew up seeing my mom struggle heavily with a divorce and her body image. I watched other women suffer mental health issues in the form of eating disorders, etc. while they begged God for Barbie’s body. I saw black girls try to have straighter hair to match the norm, to be beautiful, instead of embracing the unique and hard to obtain beauty they already held. I wanted to change the world. I believe every human is a masterpiece, a work of art in body and mind, and that everything extending from that masterpiece is their own work of art. Businesses and brands are extensions, as are children and parenting- all art forms from an unknowing artist. My favorite thing about life is being able to take an individual’s experiences, especially surrounding self-love, worth, and identity, and infuse my photography and videography with their truths. Parenting becomes a precious thing again when someone sees the art in it, the carefully selected elements strung together from vantage points only that person has lived….the struggles aren’t drowning mama when she can see herself for who she actually is, and for ALL her pieces, not just mothering; the empty nesting beauty can find her identity and see her beauty and worth through an editorial session where we explore colors and fabrics and landscapes that ignite her spirit; and so much more… This life of mine is beautiful because of the differences in humans that come into it. I’ll never take that for granted. I just want to prove to the world that beauty standards are restrictive and that every woman has inherent worth and beauty. 


Tell us about Unbound Woman of Worth!

Ah! Those are my women in that community, worldwide. I created Unbound Woman of Worth with the idea “Give women like you someone to look up to.” Girls, too (just not through boudoir, of course.) It’s made to empower women to go after what they want instead of living in chains and truthfully, accepting them. It’s a community of women that say I didn’t have this growing up so I am going to be that for someone, or I am going to come alongside women whose stories I don’t understand, but I can learn from. I do speaking engagements and many women in that community will help with them or do panels to speak in areas I can't to gain more unity among women. Through this community, we have been able to donate to women in need, crush inappropriate beauty standards, help in anti-sex trafficking efforts, and just change the narrative for generations to come. We unite, unbind, empower, and transform. 


Tiana Lee Photo exists to uncover or express what each woman needs in that moment. I meet women where they are at, and we laugh, cry, and take an emotional journey together through their session. Then I take that and turn it into conversation in the Facebook group or at our events and share the images, if allowed, and if my beautiful client wants to share their experience or personal life, they do, and it breaks down stereotypes and builds so many walls of confidence instead of bitterness and ignorance. Each photo session is so unique and I’m excited to take that a step farther with our artwork in the community. We are going to be boundless, showcasing women in art galas and disproving so many toxic beliefs. It’s for each woman, but it’s also  #fordayton. As women are empowered, companies change for the better, innovation grows, parenting skills sharpen, women find their career path (which does include staying at home for kiddos or being a caretaker!), and so much more.  


What type of impact do you hope to have on those you meet/speak to?

I hope I build everyone up as well as highlight or reveal a reason to respect and uplift others. Defeating the War on Beauty starts in the mind and if we stop allowing outside and inside factors to divide us, and stop allowing our mind to defeat our own image, we will have made an impact for generations to come. I want to encourage women specifically to take accountability, own their authenticity, and empower each other.   


What advice would you give to yourself from 5 years ago?

Five years ago I had my first child and started experiencing a lot of divide when it came to business and being a mom. There weren’t a lot of people who understood the other part of me- the mom or the business owner….it was almost like the world wanted me to be two separate people. It was just another time I learned that I often do not belong because I create bridges. Instead of missing the opportunity to unite two different groups, here’s your toolbelt. Get to building. You will ALWAYS be learning a new way to build, create, and love. You will ALWAYS have to find new resources and lower your pride. You will always be proud in the end, as long as you don’t take things personally and you don’t miss that chance to build that bridge. 


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

Beauty is not physical. Physical beauty can tell you how well someone may honor their body in certain ways, but it doesn’t tell you about mental health, or medical complications you can’t see, or how an individual treats others. It’s so limited yet we are used to making it EVERYTHING. Beauty is the way you choose to move through life. It is not linear, it is not whether you have it or you don’t; it is YOURS. Each individual has their own beauty and they choose to walk in it or not. They have skills, ways of doing things no one else can, their language, the way they carry themselves, how vulnerable they can be to another human in order to grow, how hard they fight for what they align with…. Beauty is not a mystery or secret cream. It’s alignment with who you wish to be. It’s the absence of what we think is necessary and ability to see ourselves clearly and act in authenticity.   


What do you love most about owning your own business?

The power to make my own choices, to speak truth,  put  money back into the community, and the ability to provide work options for other talented people. 


Who or what inspires you?

My clients , Martin Luther King Jr., Nora Lam, and Picasso.  


What would you like our Beauty Boost members to know?

Do not stop. You may not know how you’ll get something done, but you will  only move the  mountain by learning, failing, learning, and failing. I hope you fail many times, so you learn faster and get it done better each time. Failure is never the end. The end is only when you forget your identity, your worth, and your beauty.


You’ve put in some hard work. Come see me. I’d love to celebrate your beauty or your brand like the masterpiece they are.


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