How to Operate at your Highest Energetic Level

Happy Monday!

I posted about my weekend on my IG today and how I went out and had fun BUT used Sunday to do the things I know I'm "suppose" to be doing to help me be more focused, less anxiety and more productive....which, for me, are these:

*Using Sunday to refuel with a yoga class, church, family time AND the following:
--> Picking up my lunch meal prep for the week
--> Grocery shopping at Trader Joes so I have healthy options
--> Mapping out my weekly workouts onto the calendar
--> Reviewing my work calendar and time blocking everything I can
--> Laundry, organizing my closet and laying out my clothes the night prior

And then I had a great call with a gal on our team who teaches sales + leadership for my day job. She essentially said she teaches these foundational things first because, without them, we can't operate at our highest energetic potential. We lack energy, focus and can't perform our best. 
She teaches things like:
*Going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time Ex. Bed by 10pm and asleep by 11pm
*Cutting out alcohol because your body has to work harder and this can wreck your sleep
*Cutting out screen time an hour before bed even if you think it helps you unwind because it signals your brain it's daytime (amongst many other things)

Hope these tips help or serve as a simple reminder for you. Take all of them or implement what works best for you. Share this email with a friend who needs it!

XO Rachel - The Beauty Boost

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Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


The Sunday Week Reset Method


The Daily Design Method by Gabrielle Bernstein