The Sunday Week Reset Method

Happy Monday!

Today I'm chatting on what I call the "Sunday Week Reset Method." It works wonders and you can pick any day of the week to do it. 

Essentially ya just carve out time to setup your week/run errands/do household jazz etc. 

Here's what I did this Sunday
* For my Mind + body: Yoga Class, Church Online, dog walk, scheduled weekly workouts
*Errand Stuff: Whole Foods groceries, Luxe n Lemons meal prep pickup, orders online, pet store
*House Jazz: Laundry, Tidy Up, Dishes
*Work Stuff: Went to the office and met with my teammate Jasmine to plan out the week's agenda of projects & time block my calendar

This day is LIFE CHANGING for me. Feel free to mimic or find a style that works for you. The point is to be more organized, know where your time is going, release anxiety + stress and all the things to set yourself up for a thriving week

XO Rachel - The Beauty Boost

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Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


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