How to Organize your Life into Buckets

Hey Gal! Happy Monday!

Welcome to today's blog, where we empower you to embrace your true potential and lead a fulfilling life. 


We're diving into organization and how it can transform your day-to-day experiences. By setting up your life into buckets, you'll create a solid foundation for success, cultivate quality habits, and tap into more potential. 


The How TO: 

1. Defining Your Buckets. Life can be overwhelming with all the To-Dos. I find it super helpful to divide my life into buckets for focus. Start by identifying the core areas that matter most to you. 

Example: Health (mental/physical) + Family/Friends/Community + Self-Development + Home


2. Make a list for each Category. Now, dig into each category and list out what has to happen with each on a weekly basis.

Example: Home

For me, I need everything to be in its place to think properly and feel at ease. I'd make a list of things that need to happen weekly like: vacuum, laundry, groceries, dog food + bones stocked up, clean bedding etc


3. Calendaring. Lastly, take each weekly thing that needs to happen (some may be bi-weekly or even monthly) and add it to a day + time slot on your calendar. 


The Morning Routine Coach


HER STORY ⟡ Dr. Kayla Borchers