The Morning Routine Coach

Hey Gal! Happy Monday!


Today we are chatting all things MORNING ROUTINES!

They can be a powerful tool to finally stop hitting snooze, hop out of bed and go after your goals!!

But where do ya start?

Breaking it down into 4 easy steps!


1.) What's Your Why

You need a bigger reason to get out of bed!

Take a second to split your life into 3-5 sections (ex: family, work, my health, hobbies, etc.).

Then use your morning routine to focus on 1 of the sections.

This ensures you're using your morning on something important to you!

For this example, let's say you want to use the morning to focus on health/working out.


2.) Design Your Morning

Instead of having 12 tasks to do in the morning, split the morning into 3 time blocks.

This simplifies the morning and makes it seem less daunting!

If you were trying to make sure working out was in your morning, maybe your time blocks look like:

Block #1: Work Out

Block #2: Breakfast

Block #3: Get Ready for Work


3.) Design Your Evening

Design your morning first so you have a reason to go to bed early!

Identify a “Wind Down Time” for yourself, or a time in the evening to start getting your brain to slow down.

If you need to go to bed by 10pm to get enough sleep, maybe start winding down at 8:30pm.


4.) Start

Set a 1st goal for your morning routine.

Your goal should contain:

A plan for your morning (3 time blocks)

A plan for your evening (wind down by 8:30pm)

A specific number of days you're going to do it (this week Mon-Thurs).

When we say we are going to do this routine forever, we don't give ourselves any checkpoints.

Set a 1st goal for your morning routine, evaluate, and then set another goal.


I learned so much of what I know from Morning Routine Coach Claire Edwards!

She is launching her Morning Routine Workbook today to help plan out your whole morning! If you love planners and step-by-step templates, this is for you! Grab your copy HERE!


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