HER STORY ⟡ Em Barlow

Today, we are meeting Em Barlow!

Tell us about you and your background!

Hi! I am a licensed realtor in both Maryland and Pennsylvania with the Balcerzak Group of AB & CO Realtors. And the former owner of the Beauty Boost Baltimore! At the end of 2022 I took a leap of faith, leaving behind my corporate job and entering the world of entrepreneurship. It has NOT been easy, but wow has it been beautiful to learn, grow, and connect along the way.


Tell us about your business and why you started it!

I work with both buyers and sellers in Baltimore City and County to achieve their homeownership goals. I have a passion for helping single ladies’ purchase a home on their own, AND helping all of the doggos of the world to get more space in their first backyard. I understand that buying or selling can be very stressful and I aim to become an extension of your team and make the process as easy as possible.


What do you love about being a business owner?

The flexibility and freedom! I love being able to serve my clients in the way that meets their needs, as well as having flexibility for my own family and schedule. Being a small business owner is no easy feat, but it can be very rewarding.


What type of impact do you hope to make on those you meet and/or who receive your services?

For clients who work with me, I hope they love where they live! Whether it is someone buying their first home, to a family that needs more space, or an elderly couple that is downsizing, seeing that smile on someone’s face when they have found a property they know they can turn into a home is very special.


What advice would you give yourself from 5 years ago OR your past self just starting your business?

I would remind myself to enjoy the highs and learn from the lows. Remember the lows are temporary and KEEP GOING! Also never stop connecting, being positive and uplifting others along the way.


What does BEAUTY mean to you?

To me, beauty is confidence. I LOVE meeting people that are so confident and carry themselves as such. From the way they dress to the way they walk or talk, beauty is how you perceive yourself and how you choose to present that to others.


Who or what inspires you?

Female entrepreneurs! I think it is pretty incredible how women continue to prioritize their own dreams and needs, and take risks to allow them to provide for themselves and their families, all while lifting other women up along the way. Superheroes who wear so many hats and who do it all. 


Anything else you would like to share!

IG: emlbarlow                     Website: Here!

Phone: 717-606-6378          Email: EM@BalzRE.com


How to Create THE LIST


HER STORY ⟡ Maggie Wilson and Amber Olivo