When You're Feeling Stuck in your Job or Life...Try This!

Happy Monday!

I want to tell you a story I heard from a gal I met over the weekend. I've also heard another "form" of this story from probably 100+ women which leads me to believe a lot of us are feeling the SAME way. But we also are dealing with the same limiting beliefs, blocks and frustrations.

Her story:
We'll call her Sarah. Sarah is super sweet, engaged and has a "good" job. She went to law school and is working in her field. She's built up a lifestyle to match her income. However, she doesn't feel fulfilled. She lights up when she talks about working for herself or in more of a creative field. She says she doesn't know where to start or what she wants to do, yet she names some ideas and her energy + mood instantly shift to excitement. When I ask what's stopping her from moving forward she tells me she needs to be able to afford the lifestyle she's created. She has school debt, a hefty mortgage, just got a new car and on. She likes the financial freedom she has. But you're unhappy daily I ask? Yes, she responds.

Sooo here's my viewpoint. Of course I'm don't want to undermine the very real reality we have bills. Some of us have tiny humans to be responsible for even. HOWEVER, I don't believe anyone should stay stuck. I find that many people want this huge new life or change but want to stay exactly comfortable as they are. I just don't think that can happen (at least not in the beginning). I find you have to give some to get some. 

I also don't think your job HAS to be your passion. I'd say you can look at it two ways.
1) You can look at your job as just a job. It's a place to go, make money and give you the lifestyle to live the way you want. Maybe your job gives you the freedom to get your passion/creative outlets from your hobbies, time with family + friends etc.
2) You can look at your job to fuel your fire. Maybe you keep having that feeling that creeps up that this just isn't right for you but you keep pushing it down. However, it keeps stirring up and you KNOW you need to do something else. This is where you'd want to really tap in to what you enjoy doing.

To start, I'd say decide which you are. Are you okay with #1 or do you prefer #2? Neither is right or wrong but listen to what YOU need and not everyone around you. 

If you're number 2 (or simply feeling stuck in LIFE) but don't know where to start, start simply paying attention. This may seem weird but literally use the notes app in your phone and start jotting down anything that brings you joy (even when it doesn't make sense). It can be a list like:
*cooking dinner
*being creative with my work team
*working out
*organizing my closet and my schedule etc

I don't want to overwhelm you in today's email as theres lots more to add to this but start there and know loads of women are feeling this way too. If you have specific questions or need more, email me at rachel@thebeautyboost.net <3


XO Rachel - The Beauty Boost

Jasmine Wright

Founder of Jasmine Digital


How to Make a Joy List


The Sunday Week Reset Method